Nestled in the heart of the redwoods just shy of the Russian River is a little magical town called Cazadero. Here, you’ll find a 100 year old General Store and the town’s beloved baker, Mark, and his beautiful children. They have this spark about them. They’re a photographer’s dream. What’s not to love? They live each day to the fullest with wonder and respect. Just their intimate connection with each other is golden, but don’t take my word for it. Let the pictures speak for themselves.
And if you’re ever up in that neck of the woods, I highly recommend that you stop by Raymond’s Bakery (named after Mark’s father) and grab a bite to eat. Their artisanal breads and baked goods are simply worth the drive. The bakery also provides comfortable lodging with the open woodlands and the Austin Creek at your doorstep. It will be the best thing that you ever did for yourself.