Young son is laughing while his father is throwing him in the air during a family photo session.

Family Photos

Magical Family Photo Session – Wood Line, San Francisco

December 17, 2022


The most rewarding part about what I do is the connection I make with each family I meet. If I ever won the lottery, I would photograph and film families free of charge—all while living my best goat-herding life. Totally realistic, right? Until then, I’ll be happily goofing around with my families. Here are some photos from a magical session in the Presidio with one of my favorite families who have tolerated many years of my ‘smooth’ dance moves.

And for the record, I am very happy to oblige any requests for photos of just the parents. Just say the word.

About Me

Real life is more than pretty pictures.
The beauty is in the journey, and it's absolutely
worth documenting all of it. 

I’m captivated by people and always have been; my B.S. is in anthropology. Early on, I appointed myself the family documentarian, carefully recording milestones and travels and learning along the way how much I love visual storytelling. I picked up my first professional camera when my daughter was born, knowing those early years with her were precious and full of changes. A photographer friend’s encouragement soon led me to make photography my career. Today, after many years and proud accomplishments, my passion for it only grows.

I can’t imagine doing anything else.       


©Carmen dunham 2025

branding by Bella Maven 
